Finding Sponsors the toughest part of any event

Sponsors Sponsors.....

Guys... recently we organized freshers day in our college!!! Rather just welcoming our juniors to the campus, which till date was just ours!!! Loved the feeling of sharing the campus!!! :)
The management after giving us so many hopes gave us nothing except for some peanuts:) to organize the event , pretty much disappointing all of us:( , none of us guessed that it would be a blessing in disguise...

It actually lead us to search for various sources of money ... most of the seniors got together and contributed a cool sum... but well... we wanted more money to organize it properly... and above all just one day to go... This situation brought us to a place where we had to go in search of sponsors!!! Pretty exciting it sounds huh???

I felt it highly exciting to start with... With all the enthusiasm , a bike, and sponsorship letters we set out to our potential sponsors... Though the challenge was enthralling the hopes of convincing the potential sponsors was pretty much low as we had just one day at hand... WE didn't have much of time,so many were sent out in batches of two... All of us sweeped the entire area assigned to us . BUT got nothing till 11 am the potential sponsors made us run here and there... "go to ground floor meet X... now go fast to fifth floor and meet Y... " Showing us the gates, in fact the hell itself and then calling us back to office... Only to turn down our offer...
Still we managed one!!! That made the difference GUYS and that too huge... Finally we were able to organize it!!!!!!

YOU know ... when the programme was unfolding in-front of us... It did soothe the HEART!!!

lessons learnt:
1.Prepare estimate and search for sponsors rather than going to management...
                                        2.Work with the busy,not the lazy.

1 comment:

  1. ya i know i hate it when the potential sponsors waste our time... they might at least save the trouble ..and say we cant sponsors, why wast our time?!?!?! ... good post!!!
